Day rides
Dutch Railways bike routes

When you want to cycle just for a day or a couple of days the routes of the Dutch Railways are excellent. Main advantages: it is easy to hire a bicycle at the railway station. These routes make a nice day of cycling. An overview of these 18 routes you'll find on the Dutch Railway website, where you can download the route description.
ANWB Bike routes
Another option is to try one of the about 300 (!) cycling routes which are signposted by the ANWB (the Dutch Automobile Association). For information go to the nearest ANWB office or any book store and buy one of several booklets with descriptions of these routes. Some of the ANWB bike routes are also available as GPS and route planners
Bike routes on the WWW
The Internet is also a great source for cycling routes. Cycling routes in English
are available at fietsen.123 (choose
fietsroutes and scroll down to cycle-routes) and .
There is also a site specialised in routes in
and around Amsterdam.
Hundreds of GPStracks are available on the www
The cycle networks also provide nice day rides.